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Coffee for Two

Every Friday, I go to the café around the corner to spend a little time with her. I order coffee and
her favorite pastries, then find a quiet spot in the back, far enough away from the crowd so that
no one can eavesdrop. Sometimes I tell her about a novel I think might interest her or recap the
previous night’s ballgame, but more often I reminisce about experiences I wish we could relive.
These weekly visits are so precious to me, and, even though she hasn’t said anything, I’d like to
believe she appreciates them too.

Lori Cramer’s short prose has appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, (mac)ro(mic), MoonPark Review, Thimble Literary Magazine, Unbroken Journal, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction. Links to her writing can be found at Twitter: @LCramer29.

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